Last day to Register by mail or online for Spring Primary
Last day to Register by mail or online for Spring Primary
This is the last day for electors to register to vote by mail or online...
This is the last day for electors to register to vote by mail or online...
This is the last day for electors to register to vote by mail or online...
The Assessor Myles McKown will be in the Town Office today from 10am-1pm. Stop in,...
The Assessor Myles McKown will be in the Town Office today from 10am-1pm. Stop in,...
Town of Liberty Grove Public MeetingFebruary 12, 2025 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public...
Deadline for regular and overseas electors to request Absentee Ballots by mail (online, email, or...
Deadline for electors to register to vote in the clerk’s office prior to Election Day...