Being informed by the Chairman of the Supervisors of the Town of Gibraltar, himself being a member of the Board of Supervisors of Door County, that, according to resolution, passed by said Board at their last session, Township No. 31, Range No. 28 and all of the territory on this peninsula situated to the north of said Township, is set off as a new Town, to be know by the name of Liberty Grove; therefore, the inhabitants and electors of the Town of Liberty Grove, in the County of Door, are respectfully requested to assemble and hold a Town meeting on Tuesday, the 5th day of April A.D. 1859, at the hour of 9 (nine) o'clock in the fore noon, at the house of Ingebret Torgerson in said Town, being the place specified in our petition for a new town. At such meeting the following Town officers will be elected: 3 (three) Supervisors, one of whom must be designated on the ballot as Chairman, 1 (one) Town Clerk, 1 (one) Treasurer, 1 (one) Superintendent of Schools, 4 (four) Justices of the Peace, so many Constables and as shall be ordered by the meeting, not exceeding the number provided by Law, 1 (one) Leader of Weights and Measures, and 1 (one) Overseer of Highways for each Road District in said Town. At such meeting will also be taken into consideration, and suggested to the vote of the electors, what amount of money it will be proper to raise for surveying and building of roads, and for defraying all proper charges and expenses arising in the Town.
Hoping, Gentlemen, that you will attend to the meeting and all of you, we beg to remain, true as ever.
Your Neighbors,
Zacharias T. Morbek
Wilhelm Dorn
Gottfried Matthes
Dated Liberty Grove
The 26th day of March
A.D. 1859